Thursday, February 09, 2006

Win a Free St.Valentine Dinner at Resto Senso

For the Best Italian Food in Brussels, Party Master recommends Resto Senso at Rue Stevin 180, phone 02 7320994...A wide selection of hors d'oeuvres, salads, pizzas, poisson, pates fraiches, and excellent Argentinean and Irish beef...**Book a table for dinner until Friday 17 February, mentioning PartyMaster, and you will be entered into a draw for a dinner for 2 people.It is open from Monday to Saturday.

1 comment:

Ana C. said...

¿En serio es el mejor restaurante italiano de Bruselas? ¡Lo voy a probar! Me encanta tu blog y paso siempre por acá para ver qué se puede hacer o darle ideas a mis amigos.

Un beso